A Quick Sprucing Up

The Prequel to the Vader Protocol Rebrand Project

Not every success requires an overhaul. Our work for all Vader projects begins with the ask to create a series of visual assets (event animations, protocol explainers, and infographics) for their brand website and social media posts. The work is expected to be done using their existing visual system, following a compact timeline. Thus, our team needs to be nimble and work smartly with limited time and resources while still maximizing the effects.

The project's objective is to effectively communicate the brand's excitement and demonstrate technical ideas to Vader's community. So we have set "Make It Come Alive" and "Decode the Esoterica" as the two main winnable goals for our visual work.

Thanks to this project's success, we were then rewarded the opportunities to collaborate with Vader on more exciting projects.

Please check out Vader Rebrand

  • Strategy

  • Graphic Design

  • Animation

Community meme contest event
Vader Token & USDV Token burn to mint visual representation
Staking Mechanism infographics

Make It Come Alive

Without changing the logo's original design, we emphasized the play of color to add liveliness and showcase the multifaceted aspect of the brand. The motion of absorbing and fusing visualizes the flow of energy that Vader is containing and sharing with its community.

Vader token & usdv token burn to mint visual representation
Bond sale launch event
Partnership program introduction

Decode the Esoterica 

The crypto world can be confusing, and there is a lot of esoteric knowledge in the space. Users need to go through quite a load of text content to grasp how a product works. Therefore, making the educational content more digestible is essential.

Our infographic work aims to flatten the learning curve by simplifying the technical ideas using visual elements and providing a snapshot of different systems. By adding light animation, we wanted to further demonstrate the underlying relationships and the sequences in which events should occur.